Compute Christiansen Coefficient of Uniformity (CU or UC). Coefficient is based upon the average deviation from the mean value and the mean value.
numeric array of catch can data. Array may include missing (NA) data. NA values will be removed in function.
$$CU=100(1.0-\sum X/(nm))$$ where \(X=|z-m|\); absolute deviation of catch \(z\) from average catch \(m\) based on \(n\) observations (catches).
CU value in percentage. Note that CU can take on a negative value if the average deviation from the mean is greater than the mean.
Christiansen, J. E. 1942. Irrigation by sprinkling. California Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin 670. Berkeley, Cal.: University of California.
Keller, J., and R. D. Bliesner. 2000. Sprinkler and Trickle Irrigation. Caldwell, N.J.: Blackburn Press. ISBN 1-930665-19-9.